Friday, June 22, 2018

Nation Wants to Know Why Tanvi Seth was Issued Passport in Tearing Hurry?

Can anyone be converted from one religion to the other within five minutes of heated exchange of words? This is well-nigh impossible, but it is what a couple Tanvi Seth and her husband Anas Siddiqui make us believe, that too, after 12 years of their marriage. The lady Tanvi Seth has alleged that an official of the Lucknow’s Regional Passport Office has humiliated her by asking humiliating questions about her Hindu name and wanted her husband to Hinduism. Anybody will say in the first blush that it is not only absurd but also smacks of the blackmailing by the lady and her husband. 
Lo and behold! what is even more disturbing is that within 24 hours of her raising the communal hue and cry, the Passport Officer called the couple, offered them tea and handed over her passport with all humility and respect. This has been done because she tweeted the External Affairs Minister narrating the story of her predicament.
But if there is even a shred of truth in what she has told about the issuing of the Passport, then the MEA owes an explanation to the country as to why she was given the passport without comprehensive enquiry into her allegations? And if any enquiry, at all, was done, then why it was not made known to the country because it is highly sensitive matter in the communally fragile atmosphere?
Does this lady want the passport officials to be so naive as not to ask any questions about the discrepancies in her application form? The couple had shown the NOIDA address as the proof of their residence then why did she seek passport from the Lucknow office? The way this lady and her husband took the sky on their heads speaks about their criminal bent of mind. Anybody could see through that there was total black at the bottom of their statements. If the lady wanted to retain her Hindu name, she would not have used her Muslim name at other places, where she had worked.
There are many instances where women and men have not changed their names even after their conversion from one religion to the other but in this case, the story is altogether different which reeks to the high heaven. What explanation does she have to apply for the passport in the name of Tanvi Seth when her name in the voter id card is Tanvi Anas, in the Aadhar Card she is Tanvi Anas Siddiqui and in the Nikahnama her name is Sadia Anas Siddiqui? Does it not amply expose her disingenuousness for fraud and cheating?
What is even more disturbing is that this lady works with a multinational company Dell and earlier she had applied for H1 VISA to work in the US. In her old passport, her name is Sadia Anas Siddiqui and that perhaps the reason that Visa was rejected. After 9/11 the United States and other western countries have become very sensitive towards the Muslims in the granting VISA because they (Muslims) do not believe in assimilation and adjustment. They try to maintain their distinct identity and create problems for the host country. This has been vouchsafed in the books of the famous writer Ayaan Hirsi Ali that Muslims all over the world tell lies and give false statements for availing the VISA and refugee status in all countries of Europe, America, Australia and Canada.
The conduct and the behaviour of this lady and her husband are reprehensible. She left no stone unturned to vitiate the social atmosphere by injecting the toxic of communalism through her tweets by playing the victim card. She and her husband both are well educated and there is no reason to believe that they have done it innocently. It was obviously done with a deliberate design and mischief for blackmailing. Therefore, this case must be thoroughly enquired into to reach to the bottom of the truth. External Affairs Minister also tell the country if it was not succumbing to the intimidation of the fraud couple, then why there was tearing hurry in issuing her passport within 24 hours, that too, without enquiring the matter? and telling the country the truth? This is a serious matter and its gravity demands that the Government of India must inquire into it and tell the truth to the nation.

Monday, June 18, 2018

Eyebrows Raised on Justice Thipsay Joining the Congress Party

Former High Court Judge Abhay Mahadeo Thipsay has joined the Congress party within a year of his retirement. Had Justice Thipsay been a non-descript judge, the eyebrows would not have been raised. During his judgeship, he had handled many high-profile cases, but the pattern of his judgements was almost the same and similar. Most of the cases decided by him have thrown him in the bad light as they indicate towards his unethical conduct, the perversity of thought process and skewed mentality. The track record of his judgments conclusively proves that the Judge has been hostile to a particular Political Party and its leaders. He used all tools in his armoury to give farfetched logic in his orders to embarrass that Party and its dispensation in Gujrat. Now when he has joined the Congress Party, the apprehensions get substantiated and fortified.
In the Shohrabuddin encounter case, he jailed Amit Shah, the present BJP president. While granting bail to Gujrat police officers DG Vanjara and Narendra Amin, he had made the most uncharitable observation by saying that he was granting them bail because of the rulings of the Supreme Court although he did not believe in their innocence. In the Best Bakery case, he convicted the members of the various Hindutva group for participating in the pogrom of 2002 Gujrat riots. In Kabir Kala Manch case he acquitted all persons charged of Naxalism without giving even a shred of any convincing logic.
There is nothing new in the Judges joining politics after their retirements or after resigning from their posts. Justice Subba Rao resigned from the post of the CJI to contest the election to the high office of the President of India. Justice Barhul Islam of the Supreme Court also resigned to contest the Lok Sabha election and he became the MP, although before becoming the High Court he was two times member of the Rajya Sabha from Assam. The former CJI Rangnath Mishra, Justice KS Hegde, Justice Vijay Bahuguna, Justice M Rama Jois also joined the politics, but nobody raised any accusing figure on the impartiality and impeccability of their judgments. But in the case of Justice Thipsay allegations are made thick and fast that he was he driven by a particular political ideology and not the principles of law. Justice VR Krishna Iyer was a minister in Kerala’s communist party government and he went on to become the Supreme Court judge but he had won all-around applause and laurels for his path-breaking judgements. His integrity was always above board like Ceasar's wife. His judgments speak volumes about his social commitment without having any trace of the party politics.
Judges have been taking up assignments after their retirements and it is considered very common. In fact, there are certain statutory bodies, which can be headed only by the serving or retired judges of the High Courts or the Supreme Cout. but the way, Justice Thipsay conducted himself on the bench corroborates the fact that he often jettisoned the rule of law in his judgements and given way to his political leanings. In fact, that is what is disturbing because that will hesitatingly erode the public’s faith in the judiciary and it will be a sad day if the judiciary loses the faith of the public.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

‘Infidel’ stresses Islam to come out of mental cage

By and large, all religions are repressive. Some religions, however, provide more space and freedom for agreements or disagreements and debates and discussions but Islam is the one such religion that does not yield even an inch of disagreement. There is no room for any debate or discussion in it. You must blindly follow what has been ordained to you. The punishment for apostasy in Islam is death and nothing less. This is the crux of the ‘Infidel’, the unputdownable autobiography of Ayaan Hirsi Ali, which is an international bestseller. Hirsi Ali, now 48-year-old was born in Somalia, the most poverty-ridden country in the world. She is the first daughter of her father’s second wife. Her father left her mother in the lurch, with three children, to marry a Kenyan woman. Her mother was deserted by her first husband also but then she was then issueless which qualified her to marry her father, who was a political activist and living in exile for fear of being persecuted by the authoritarian regime of Somalia. Hirsi Ali has had to live in Islamic countries like Somalia, Yemen, Ethiopia and in Christian/Muslim country Kenya. She had to undergo the most barbaric practice of vaginal excision, Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), to ensure the virginity until her marriage.
Her first marriage with her cousin was a flop which lasted only for a few days. The second marriage was arranged by her father with Kenyan Canadian, which also did not last for more than a week. She became a refugee in Holland, contested election to win to become the member of the Dutch Parliament. Now she lives in the USA and is married to Niall Ferguson, a British historian.
Hirsi Ali was a devout Muslim but when she read the philosophers like Immanuel Kant, Spinoza, Leibnitz and political thinkers like Voltaire, her eyes and brain got opened and she found to her utter dismay that how Islam has mentally caged nearly two billion people across the world. She says in her famous book ‘Infidel” that ‘Islam is like a mental cage. At first, when you open the door, the caged bird stays inside: it is frightened. It has internalised its imprisonment. It takes time for the bird to escape, even after someone has opened the doors to its cage.’
The fear of Islam is visible even in the most developed countries of the world particularly after the horrible incident of 9/11 in America and now the entire civilised world is face to face with the menace of Islamists. The ISIS and other Wahabi Islamic outfits have posed the greatest threat and danger to the humanity and civilisation. It has made the situation explosive even in a country like Holland, where even prostitution and soft drugs are licit. Where euthanasia and abortion are practised, where men cry on T.V. and naked people walk on the beach and the Pope is joked about. But people are afraid of speaking against Islam which, in her words, epitomises barbarianism. She further says that ‘Islam is the only religion which divides the society into ‘US’ and ‘THEM’-if you do not accept Islam you should perish, which further says that if you do not go out and fight against ‘THEM’, God will punish you severely and put others in your place’. Therefore, ‘whenever you meet the polytheists, kill them, besiege them and ambush them. Whenever you meet unbelievers, strike them in the neck’.
She has quoted Osama Bin Laden, who declared that ‘do not take Jews and Christians as friends; they are allies only to each other. Anyone who takes them as an ally becomes one of them.’ The Hadith says, ‘the hour of judgement will not come until the Muslim fight the Jews or kill them.’ Hirsi Ali avers that a religion which is so intolerant towards others can never be the religion of peace and brotherhood. In Islam, the relationship of an individual to God is one of total submission like that of a slave to master. To Muslims worship of God means total obedience to Allah and total abstinence from the thoughts and deeds that HE has declared forbidden in Quran. Hirsi Ali is intrigued that Allah is constantly referred in the Quran as the ‘most compassionate and most merciful’ but why does HE not allow a little debate?
There is no freedom to the woman in Islam as she has been declared to be the ‘tillage’ of man. She has to remain veiled as the skin of her body if seen to a man, brings Satanic tendencies in him. Therefore, she must ensure that the man is not consumed by the Satanic forces by seeing any part of the woman’s body. And that is why; Muslim women are supposed to have no faces. Women should cover their bodies even in front of a blind man, even in their own houses, that women must have to remain in the care of men, that women should obey their husbands, that women are worth half a man, that to abjure her faith is the worst kind of disobedience to God; because she comes from the lowest, most impure element in society. A Muslim woman must obey her husband, that if you refuse your husband and he rapes you, that is your fault. Allah says that husbands should beat their wives if they misbehave; it is in Quran. (page244 of her Infidel). Here Hirsi Ali becomes pensive with thought and says that the societies which do not respect the rise of the women are bound to remain poor and disturbed.
This is why, the societies, which have belief in equality of man and woman find themselves paralysed with pain at such state of affairs in Islamic countries. Hirsi Ali has told many things about Prophet Mohammad in the book. For instance; he remained in monogamy until the age of 50, when his first wife, who was 15 years senior to him died. He married his adopted son’s widow and also to his friends six-year-old Aisha but consummated the marriage when she became nine. He had many wives, at least nine or ten.
Hirsi is of the view that with the development of science and technology and spread of modern education among women, their shackles will get broken as only the educated women can be the harbinger of freedom.
The book is absorbing and must be read by the Muslims intelligentsia. As a matter of fact, the Muslims from the democratic countries like India should come forward to see that the equality of men and women are respected, and primitive religious laws are done away with. And only then the society will leapfrog from fossilized time zone to the most vibrant and dynamic space. Modern education gives wings to fly and it should not be clipped. Will Muslims hearken her plaintive call?